Riverstone High School

Resilience Respect Responsibility

Telephone02 9627 1484



Opportunities for students to participate in sport and physical activity are offered at Riverstone High School with a progressive representative pathway provided through to national level. We promote and encourage participation, sport skill development and excellence for all students.

Students interested in completing for Riverstone High School, Blacktown Zone or Sydney West in a particular sport should register their interest with Mr Joe Concha (Sports Organiser).

Sports Representative Expectation

  • The procedure outlines the expectations and responsibilities of students wishing to join and participate in any Riverstone High School representative sports team. It ensures that all students uphold high standards of commitment, discipline, and sportsmanship.

Attendance Requirement

  • Students must maintain a minimum attendance rate of 85% or higher.


  • All students must wear full school uniform consistently including wearing full sports uniforms during any sporting excursion.

Behaviour and Conduct

  • Students must exhibit sportsmanship, respect, and professionalism at all times.
  • Any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination will not be tolerated.
  • Players must respect coaches, teammates, opponents, referees, and spectators.
  • Students must have no behaviour or suspension issues during the term to be eligible for the representative team.


All parents and students must read and acknowledge this procedures before participating in representative sports.

House Teams


Knockout competitions

For a list of knockout competitions Riverstone High School is entered into for 2024 please see Mr Concha in the PE staffroom.

Note: The age group refers to the age that the student is turning or has turned this year.


For the most current information relating to carnivals or sporting events involving Blacktown Zone or Sydney West please visit:

Concussion Clearance

The Australian Medical Association recommends students being symptom free of concussion for 14 days before returning to sport.

If your child/ward sustains a concussion, or experiences any concussion symptoms, in the 14 day period prior to the event commencing, you must report this to team officials, and a medical clearance is required in order for your child/ward to participate in the event. 

Medical clearances can be attached to this consent form or can be submitted to team officials separately.

Important information

In the event of injury, no personal injury insurance cover is provided by the NSW Department of Education for students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. The Department’s public liability cover is fault-based and limited to breaches by the Department of its duty of care to students that may result in claims for compensation.

Parents/Carers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child’s involvement in the sport program offered by the school, school sport zone, region and state school sport Associations when deciding whether additional insurance cover is required prior to their child’s involvement in the program. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail outlets.

Parents/Carers who have private ambulance cover need to check whether that cover extends to interstate travel and make additional arrangements, as considered appropriate.

The NSW Supplementary Sporting Injury Benefits Scheme, funded by the NSW Government, provides limited cover for serious injury resulting in the permanent loss of a prescribed faculty or the loss of use of certain prescribed parts of the body. The Supplementary Scheme does not cover medical costs or dental costs. Further information can be obtained from https://www.icare.nsw.gov.au/injured-or-ill-people/sporting-injuries/payments/#gref. Further information regarding student accident insurance and private health cover is provided at: https://app.education.nsw.gov.au/sport/file/1449.