Riverstone High School

Resilience Respect Responsibility

Telephone02 9627 1484


Dance involves the development of physical skill as well as aesthetic, artistic and cultural understanding. Learning in dance and learning through dance enables students to apply their own experiences to their study of dance. They learn to express ideas creatively as they make and perform dances, and analyse dance as works of art. They think imaginatively and share ideas, feelings, values and attitudes while physically and intellectually exploring the communication of ideas through movement.

The integration of the practices of performance, composition and appreciation is a key feature of the syllabus and the elements of dance are the components that link the study of the practices. The practices are interrelated and equally important and they inform one another, providing opportunities for students to explore and understand their world.

In practice, learning in dance is spiral in nature, incorporating earlier stages and building on itself. Safe dance practice is embedded through the practices to ensure that students are able to maintain safe, healthy and rewarding lives.

Units of study in the 100 hour and 200 hour course may include:

- Safe dance practice

- My body unit

- The elements of dance

- Styles of dance

- SMART dance

- Bangarra Dance Company

- Solo composition and performance